A brief biography of Reinach
Vol. 3
John F. Crosby
A contribution toward the theory of the negative judgment
Vol. 2
Adolf Bernhard Philipp Reinach
A defense of Dietrich von Hildebrand's approach to ethics
Vol. 5
Fritz Wenisch
A reply to "The finiteness of the past"
Vol. 1/1
Don Ferrari
A. Reinach, sämtliche werke
Josef Seifert
Adolf Reinach
Edmund Husserl
An appreciation of Max Scheler's essay on humility
Barbara Fiand
Answer to "disputed questions" concerning "essence and existence"
Vol. 1/2
Appendix. being and value
Are there timeless falsities? On the difference between truth and falsity with respect to the ideal existence o meaning-units
Vol. 6
At the origins of analytic philosophy
Roberto Poli
Authenticity: the dialectic of self-possession
Damian Fedoryka
Certitude and contuition
Kateryna Fedoryka
Conscience, truth, and the moral law in the encyclical Splendor veritatis
Vol. 7
Jarosław Merecki
Critique of the transcendental metaphysics of knowing
Walter Hoeres
Das Naturrecht bei Dietrich von Hildebrand
Wolfgang Waldstein
Das ontologische Argument
Walter Redmond
Der kampf gegen den Totalitarismus
Ernst Wenisch
Die mitwirkende Freiheit bei Dietrich von Hildebrand und die gestliche Lehre des hl. Franz von Sales
Andreas Laun
Die Phänomenologie des Todes bei Dietrich von Hildebrand und die neuere Eschatologie
Leo Scheffczyk
Die realistische Philosophie als Rückgang auf Platon
Dietrich von Hildebrand
Francis Rivero
Dietrich von Hildebrand (1889-1977)
John F. Crosby, Josef Seifert
Dietrich von Hildebrand and St. Thomas Aquinas
Mark Roberts
Dietrich von Hildebrand on Max Scheler as Philosopher and Personality
Maria Fedoryka
Dietrich von Hildebrand's "Christian ethics" and the problem of the ultimate foundation of morality
Rafael Bello
Dietrich von Hildebrand, the Aristotelian-thomistic tradition, and the phenomenology of happiness
Ronald Muller
Dietrich von Hildebrands philosophische Entdeckung der "Wertantwort" und die Grundlegung der Ethik
Disputed questions in Seifert's "Essence and existence"
Mark Jordan
Essence and existence I
Essence and existence II
Eugene Kelly
Expression and knowledge of other persons
Michael Waldstein
Freedom and dignity in the work of Karol Wojtyla
Vol. 4
Andrzej Poltawski
From her introduction to Reinach's Gesammelte Schriften
Hedwig Conrad-Martius
Gerda Walther (1897-1977)
Linda Lopez Mcalister
Adolf Preis
How can a man be free?
G E M Anscombe
Max Scheler
Husserl und Hildebrand
Karl Schuhmann
Insight and objective necessity
Is "brain death" actually death? an autobiographical conceptual itinerary
D Alan Shewmon
Is Kant's classification of speculative proofs for the existence of God correct?
Rogelio Rovira
Is Reinach's "Apriorische Rechtslehre" more important for positive law than he himself thinks?
Kant and von Hildebrand on the synthetic a priori
John R White
Karol cardinal Wojtyla (pope John Paul II) as philosopher and the Cracow/Lublin school of philosophy
La pensée philosophique de Karol Wojtyla et la faculté de l'Université catholique de Lublin
Jerzy Kalinowski
Leibniz's principle of contradiction is not what Aristotle called "The most certain of all principles"
Carlos McCadden
Liebe, Schönheit und Einheit
Siegfried Hamburger
Max Scheler's Ressentiment im Aufbau der Moralen (1941-1943)
Nietzsche, von Hildebrand, and human fulfillment
John Wymore
Nota acerca de la naturaleza de la leyes empiricas
Miguel García-Baró
Objections to the Eide in Plato's Parmenides
Patricia Donohue-White
Particularism and knowledge
John Peterson
Personalistische Grundlegung der Moral
Dieter Josef Hilla
Reinach as a philosophical personality
Reinach's discovery of the social acts
Reply to Kalinowski
Tadeusz Styczen
Retention - memory
Roman Ingarden's aesthetic program
Władysław Stróżewski
Scheler's idea of man
Francis Dunlop
Selections from her memoirs, Aus dem Leben einer jüdischen Familie
Edith Stein
Some thoughts on the use of texts in the teaching of philosophy
Subjectivity and philosophy
Substance and spiritual substance
Michael J Healy
The apriori foundations of the civil law
The essence of love and the need for a "phenomenological metaphysics"
The finiteness of the past
The finitude of the past
William Lane Craig
The idea of value and the reform of the traditional metaphysics of bonum
The nature and seven goals of medicine
The philosophical achievement of Dietrich von Hildebrand
The philosophy of history of Dietrich von Hildebrand
Rocco Buttiglione
The right and the good
Stephen D Schwarz
The role of relationality in the actualization of the person
Paola Premoli De Marchi
The supreme rules of rational inference in Kant
Theory of knowledge as phenomenology of the "essence" of cognitive experiences and their correlates
Roman Witold Ingarden
Timeless truths and falsities
To do or not to do
Tötung auf Verlangen
Josef Schmucker-Von Koch
Towards an ethos of right
Unpublished introduction to Reinach's Gesammelte Schriften
Urteil über Hildebrands Doktorarbeit
Von Hildebrand and Marcel
Vincent Miceli
Von Hildebrand's theory of the affective value response and our knowledge of God
Judith Stewart Shank
Wahnbild des unentwegt Werdenden
Alfred Locker
Wahrheit, Sinn und Handlung
Wertblindheit als Signatur der Moderne
Wesen und Wert menschlicher Erkenntis
Who is woman that you should be mindful of her?
Zum 100. Jahrestag des Philosophen und Kämpfers gegen Nationalsozialismus
Zur Metaphysik der Liebe bei Dietrich von Hildebrand
Jakub Gorczyca