Calendar | Conference

Phenomenology at the borders

Pittsburgh, 20 - 23 May 2024


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CFP is closed

Submission of abstracts is now open for the joint meeting of the Interdisciplinary Coalition of North American Phenomenologists (ICNAP) and the Society of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences (SPHS) next May 2024 at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

Given the proliferation of conflicts around borders as a present and pressing concern, the time is ripe for phenomenology to bring to bear the very lived consequences of borders – internal, institutional, and geopolitical. Paper proposals on the phenomenology of borders—be they philosophical, psychological, rhetorical, sociological, anthropological, religious and theological, political, or disciplinary—are particularly welcome. Possible topics include the following.

· How are borders experienced? How do they shape lived space and time?

· What unique resources can the methods of phenomenology bring to reflection on borders?

· How are borders experienced in the body? In the mind? In intersubjectivity?

· What are the benefits and limits of disciplinary borders? Are these borders porous or solid?

· Does phenomenology itself have borders? Are some kinds of thought “inside” or outside” it?

While we welcome submissions relating to the phenomenology of borders, we also invite submissions on other topics within the scope of phenomenology in the human sciences and interdisciplinary phenomenology. Whereas we will be featuring renowned scholars from around the world, we are especially encouraging beginning researchers and students to submit papers as well.

Please send abstracts of no more than 250 words for twenty-minute paper presentations to by 11:59 PM EST on January 15th 2024. Please include the name of the author, affiliation, and the title of the presentation. Speakers must be members of either ICNAP or SPHS before delivering their paper.

Please see the websites of ICNAP ( and/or SPHS ( for ongoing updates about the conference.