Andrea Staiti

with Cimino, A. , Moran, D. (eds) , 2022, Phenomenology and Mind 23.

, 2020a, Etica naturalistica e fenomenologica, Il Mulino, Bologna.

, 2020b, 'Giovanni Piana's "Conversazioni" and some recent controversies on Husserl's "Krisis"', Phenomenological Reviews 1, 157-178.

(ed) , 2020, Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 1 (1).

, 2019, 'Husserl's account of action: naturalistic or anti-naturalistic?: a journey through the "Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins"', The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 17, 8-21.

with Ferencz-Flatz, C. , 2018, 'Notes on a troubled reception history', Studia Phaenomenologica 18, n/a.

, 2018, Pre-predicative experience and life-world: two distinct projects in Husserl's late phenomenology, in D. Zahavi (ed.), The Oxford handbook of the history of phenomenology, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 155-172.

with Ferencz-Flatz, C. (eds) , 2018, Studia Phaenomenologica 18.

, 2017a, 'Naturalism as Weltanschauung', Discipline Filosofiche 27 (2), 131-146.

, 2017b, Neukantianismus, in S. Luft & M. Wehrle (Hrsg.), Husserl-Handbuch, Stuttgart, Metzler, pp. 299-303.

, 2017c, Urteilstheorie, in S. Luft & M. Wehrle (Hrsg.), Husserl-Handbuch, Stuttgart, Metzler, pp. 196-204.

, 2017d, Wissenschaftstheorie, in S. Luft & M. Wehrle (Hrsg.), Husserl-Handbuch, Stuttgart, Metzler, pp. 173-178.

with Clarke, E. (eds) , 2017, The sources of Husserl's "Ideas I", De Gruyter, Berlin.

, 2016, 'Max Frischeisen-Köhler's vindication of the material component of cognition', Philosophia Scientiae 20 (1), 119-142.

, 2015a, 'On Husserl's alleged cartesianism and conjunctivism: a critical reply to Claude Romano', Husserl Studies 31 (2), 123-141.

, 2015b, Phenomenal experience and the scope of phenomenology: a Husserlian response to some Wittgensteinean remarks, in J. Bloechl & N. De Warren (eds.), Phenomenology in a new key, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 151-167.

(ed) , 2015, Commentary on Husserl's Ideas I, De Gruyter, Berlin.

, 2014a, Husserl's transcendental phenomenology: Nature, spirit, and life, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

, 2014b, The Mark of beginnings. Husserl and Hegel on the meaning of naiveté, in F. Fabbianelli & S. Luft (eds.), Husserl und die klassische deutsche Philosophie, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 255-263.

, 2013a, 'A grasp from afar: Überschau and the givenness of life in Husserlian phenomenology', Continental Philosophy Review 46 (1), 21-36.

, 2013b, Review: , , Human Studies 36 (2), pp. 315-321.

, 2013c, The "Ideen" and Neo-kantianism, in L. Embree & T. Nenon (eds.), Husserl's Ideen, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 71-90.

, 2012, 'The pedagogic impulse of Husserl's ways into transcendental phenomenology', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 33 (1), 39-56.

, 2010a, Review: , , Husserl Studies 26 (2), pp. 147-156.

, 2010b, 'Different worlds and tendency to concordance: towards a new perspective on Husserl's phenomenology of culture', The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 10, 127-143.

, 2009a, Review: , , Methodos 9, pp. n/a.

, 2009b, 'Systematische Überlegungen zu Husserls Einstellungslehre', Husserl Studies 25 (3), 219-.