Mauro Carbone

with Lingua, G. , 2023, Toward an anthropology of screens: showing and hiding, exposing and protecting, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.

(ed) , 2023, Chiasmi International 25.

, 2019a, 'La surface obscure: la littérature et la philosophie en tant que dispositifs de vision selon Merleau-Ponty', Chiasmi International 21, 103-115.

, 2019b, Philosophy-Screens: from cinema to the digital revolution, SUNY Press, Albany.

, 2018a, 'An academic journal with a strange, multilingual title: how chiasmi international was born: an interview with Mauro Carbone (1st part)', Chiasmi International 20, 15-19.

, 2018b, 'Una rivista accademica con un titolo strano e multilingue: come è nata chiasmi international: intervista con Mauro Carbone (i parte)', Chiasmi International 20, 21-25.

, 2018c, 'Une revue académique avec un titre étrange et multilingue : comment chiasmi international est née: un entretien avec Mauro Carbone (1e partie)', Chiasmi International 20, 9-13.

with Croce, C. (eds) , 2018, Pensare (con) Patočka oggi: Filosofia fenomenologica e filosofia della storia, Orthotes, Napoli.

, 2016, 'The mutation of our relations with screens as a mutation of our relations with being', Studia Phaenomenologica 16, 325-342.

, 2015, The flesh of images, SUNY Press, Albany.

with Leoni, F. , Toadvine, T. , 2015a, 'Nota dei direttori', Chiasmi International 17, 21-22.

with Leoni, F. , Toadvine, T. , 2015b, 'Note des directeurs', Chiasmi International 17, 17-18.

with Leoni, F. , Toadvine, T. , 2015c, 'Note from the editorial team', Chiasmi International 17, 19-20.

, 2014, 'Lo schermo, la tela, la finestra (e altre superfici quadrangolari normalmente verticali)', Rivista di estetica 55, 21-34.

, 2010a, How can one recognize what one did not know?: Mnemosoune and the art of the twentieth century, in P. Vandevelde (ed.), Phenomenology and literature, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 172-182.

, 2010b, 'Le philosophe et le cinéaste', Chiasmi International 12, 47-70.

, 2009, 'Love and music: theme and variations', Chiasmi International 11, 63-80.

with Muller, R.M. , 2009, 'The sensible ideas between life and philosophy', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 30 (1), 125-135.

, 2008a, 'Introduction', Chiasmi International 10, 15-16.

, 2008b, 'Le idee sensibile fra vita e filosofia', Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia 44, 73-83.

, 2008c, 'Pistorius, l'estetica e il rovesciamento del Platonismo: pensare con Merleau-Ponty (i')oggi', Chiasmi International 10, 35-44.

, 2008d, 'Présentation', Chiasmi International 10, 13-14.

, 2008e, 'Presentazione', Chiasmi International 10, 11-12.

, 2008f, 'The mythical time of the ideas: Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze as readers of Proust', Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 39 (1), 12-26.

, 2008g, 'Un temps "plus loin que l'Inde et que la Chine": rayons de passé et de monde chez le dernier Merleau-Ponty', Alter: Revue de phénoménologie 16, 127-138.

(ed) , 2008, Chiasmi International 10.

, 2007, 'Amour et musique: thème et variations', Alter: Revue de phénoménologie 15, 103-121.

with Fielding, H. , 2005a, 'Introduction', Chiasmi International 7, 13-14.

with Fielding, H. , 2005b, 'Présentation', Chiasmi International 7, 11-12.

with Fielding, H. , 2005c, 'Presentazione', Chiasmi International 7, 15-16.

with Fielding, H. (eds) , 2005, Chiasmi International 7.

, 2004, 'La parola dell´àugure Merleau-Ponty e la "filosofia del freudismo"', Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia 32, 95-116.

, 2003, 'Sur la possibilite de la philosophie aujourd"hui: parution de l'edition italienne des derniers cours de Merleau-Ponty au collège de France', Chiasmi International 5, 333-336.

, 2002, 'Flesh: towards the history of a misunderstanding', Chiasmi International 4, 49-62.

(ed) , 2002, Chiasmi International 4.

, 2001a, 'Ad limina philosophiae: Merleau-Ponty and the Einleitung to Hegel's Phänomenologie des Geistes', Chiasmi International 3, 311-327.

, 2001b, 'Un posto in cui si parlava merleau-pontiano: a verona, negli anni ottanta, intorno a guido d. neri', Chiasmi International 3, 13-15.

with Lawlor, L. (eds) , 2001, Chiasmi International 3.

, 2000a, 'Nature et logos: "pourquoi y a-t-il plusieurs exemplaires de chaque chose?"', Chiasmi International 2, 261-278.

, 2000b, The thinking of the sensible, in F. Evans & L. Lawlor (eds.), Chiasms, Albany, SUNY Press, pp. n/a.

, 1999a, 'Gli anni novanta in Italia', Chiasmi International 1, 15-17.

, 1999b, 'Ii tempo mitico delle idee: Merleau-Ponty e Deleuze lettori di Proust', Chiasmi International 1, 213-229.

with Barbaras, R. , Lawlor, L. (eds) , 1999, Chiasmi International 1.

, 1998, 'The caducity of beauty and aesthetic temporality', Axiomathes 9 (1-2), 125-129.

Merleau-Ponty, M. , 1995, Linguaggio, storia, natura: corsi al Collège de France 1952-1961, Bompiani, Milano.

with Fontana, C. (eds) , 1993, Negli specci dell'Essere: Saggi sulla filosofia di Merleau-Ponty, Hestia, cernusco.

with Fontana, C. (eds) , 1993a, Negli specchi dell'essere: Saggi sulla filosofia di Merleau-Ponty, Hestia, Cernusco.

, a, '"Personne n'a été plus loin que Proust": Le dernier Merleau-Ponty dans le miroir de la Recherche', Études phénoménologiques 16 (31-32), 35-66.