Agnes Heller

, , 'Parmenides and the battle of Stalingrad', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 19-20, 247-262.

, 1972, 'La teoria marxista della rivoluzione e la rivoluzione della vita quotidiana', aut aut 127, 58-71.

with Vajda, G.M. , 1972, 'Struttura familiare e comunismo', aut aut 127, 72-88.

, 1973, 'La teoria, la prassi e i bisogni umani', aut aut 135, 29-43.

, 1974, 'Movimento radicale e utopia radicale', aut aut 144, 39-48.

, 1977a, 'Un dialogo del giovane Lukács', aut aut 157-158, 174-183.

, 1977b, 'Un prologo più che un epilogo: Replica sulla teoria 2-28 dei bisogni e della vita quotidiana', aut aut 159-160, 2-28.

with Vajda, G.M. , Fehér, F. , Markus, G. , 1977, 'Premessa alle "Annotazioni sull'ontologia per il compagno Lukács" (1975)', aut aut 157-158, 3-20.

with Vajda, G.M. , Markus, G. , Fehér, F. , 1977, 'Annotazioni sull'ontologia per il compagno Lukács', aut aut 157-158, 21-37.

, 1979, 'Sui "veri" e "falsi" bisogni', aut aut 170-171, 163-178.

, 1979a, Can the unity of sciences be considered as the norm of sciences?, in H. Nowotny & H. Rose (eds.), Counter-movements in the sciences, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 57-66.

, 1979b, 'Towards an anthropology of feeling', Dialectical Anthropology 4 (1), 1-20.

, 1982, Habermas and Marxism, in J. B. Thompson & D. Held (eds.), Habermas, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 21-41.

, 1982, Phases of legitimation in Soviet-type societies, in T. H. Rigby & F. Fehér (eds.), Political legitimation in communist states, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 45-63.

, 1985, The power of shame: a rational perspective, Routledge, London.

with Fehér, F. , 1987, Doomsday or deterrence?: on the antinuclear issue, Routledge, London.

with Fehér, F. , 1988, The Postmodern political condition, Polity Press, Cambridge.

, 1989, Beyond justice, Blackwell, Oxford.

, 1990, A philosophy of morals, Blackwell, Oxford.

, 1990, 'Freedom and happiness in Kant's political philosophy', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 13 (2), 115-131.

, 1991a, Can modernity survive?, Polity Press, Cambridge.

, 1991b, Grandeur and twilight of radical universalism, Routledge, London.

with Fehér, F. , 1991, From Yalta to glasnost: the dismantling of Stalin's empire, Blackwell, Oxford.

, 1991, Toward post-totalitarianism, in V. Tismaneanu & J. Shapiro (eds.), Debates on the future of communism, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 50-55.

, 1993, Friction of bodies, friction of minds, in N. Åkerman (ed.), The necessity of friction, Heidelberg, Physica, pp. 77-84.

, 1996, Biopolitics: the politics of the body, race and nature, ed. Puntscher Riekmann Sonja, Avebury, Aldershot.

, 1998, 'Ethics in the contemporary world', Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia 17, 9-20.

with Tormey, S. , 1998, 'Interviews with professor Ágnes Heller I: Budapest, 1st/2nd July 1981', Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia 17, 21-52.

, 1999a, A theory of modernity, Blackwell, Oxford.

, 1999b, Friction of bodies, friction of minds, in O. Kiss (ed.), Hermeneutics and science, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 93-99.

, 2000a, 'The complexity of justice: a challenge to the 21st century', Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 3 (3), 247-262.

, 2000b, The postmodern imagination, in C. Pierson & S. Tormey (eds.), Politics at the edge, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-13.

, 2001, 'The fake as joke, sabotage, business, and paradigm: on Sandor Radnoti's The fake', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 23 (1), 181-189.

, 2005, 'Preliminary adieu for Jacques Derrida', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 26 (1), 191-197.

, 2007, What is "postmodern" — a quarter of a century after?, in C. Magerski, R. Savage & C. Weller (eds.), Moderne begreifen, Wiesbaden, Deutscher Universitätsverlag, pp. 37-50.

, 2008, 'And what if I choose "C"?', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 29 (2), 71-83.

, 2010, Aesthetics and modernity: essays, ed. Rundell John, Lexington Books, Lanham.

, 2012a, 'Ficino's symposium', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 33 (2), 437-472.

, 2012b, 'The metaphor of the throw in Nicholas of Cusa's Game of spheres', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 33 (2), 473-490.

, 2015a, Everyday life, 2nd edn., Routledge, London.

, 2015b, Renaissance man, Routledge, London.

, 2016, A theory of history, Routledge, London.

, 2016, 'From utopia to dystopia: a story of historical imagination', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 37 (2), 289-304.

, 2018a, The theory of need in Marx, Verso, London.

, 2018b, Un'etica della personalita, ed. Boella Laura; Vestrucci Andrea; Zancan Chiara, Mimesis, Milano.

, 2019, 'The simul: Reiner Schürmann reads Kant through Luther', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 40 (2), 349-363.

, XIIIa, Partikularität und Individualität im Alltagsleben, in L. Gabriel (Hrsg.), Sektionen X-XIII, Freiburg-Basel-Wien, Herder, pp. 31-32.