Stefan Nicolae

, 2018, Review: , , Human Studies 41 (3), pp. 517-521.

with Endreß, M. , 2016, 'Introduction', Human Studies 39 (1), 1-5.

with Cefaï, D. , Zimmermann, B. , Endreß, M. , 2015, 'Introduction', Human Studies 38 (1), 1-12.

, 2015, Review: , , Human Studies 38 (1), pp. 191-196.

with Cefaï, D. , Endreß, M. , Zimmermann, B. (eds) , 2015, Human Studies 38 (1).

with Bischur, D. , 2014, Annemarie Mol: Multiple Ontologien und vielfältige Körper, in D. Lengersdorf & M. Wieser (Hrsg.), Schlüsselwerke der Science & Technology Studies, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 269-278.

with Endreß, M. , 2014, Review: , , Human Studies 37 (2), pp. 293-298.

with Endreß, M. , 2012, 'Editorial note', Human Studies 35 (4), 477-477.

with Endreß, M. (eds) , 2012a, Human Studies 35 (4).