Richard Kearney

, 2019, 'God making: an essay in theopoetic imagination', The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 17, 115-160.

, 2018, The gift of creation, in D. Van Den Auweele (ed.), William Desmond's philosophy between metaphysics, religion, ethics, and aesthetics, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 271-284.

, 2016, Thinking the flesh with Paul Ricoeur, in S. Davidson & M. Vallée (eds.), Hermeneutics and phenomenology in Paul Ricoeur, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 31-40.

with Treanor, B. (eds) , 2015, Carnal hermeneutics, Fordham University Press, New York.

, 2013, 'Ecrire la chair: l'expression diacritique chez Merleau-Ponty', Chiasmi International 15, 183-198.

, 2012, Ana-theism: God after God, in J. Mccurry & A. Pryor (eds.), Phenomenology and the theological turn, Pittsburgh, Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, pp. 8-23.

with Semonovitch, K. , 2011, At the threshold: Foreigners, strangers, others, in R. Kearney & K. Semonovitch (eds.), Phenomenologies of the stranger, New York, Fordham University Press, pp. 3-29.

with Semonovitch, K. (eds) , 2011, Phenomenologies of the stranger: Between hostility and hospitality, Fordham University Press, New York.

, 2010, Thinking after terror: an interreligious challenge, in L. K. Cheliotis (ed.), Roots, rites and sites of resistance, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 59-79.

, 2006a, 'On the hermeneutics of evil', Revue de métaphysique et de morale 50, 197-215 .

, 2006b, 'Parsing narrative – story, history, life', Human Studies 29 (4), 477-490.

with Bernard Kearney, A. , Turoldo, F. , 2005, 'A conversation with Paul Ricoeur', Symposium 9 (2), 361-373.

, 2004, 'Postnationalism and postmodernity', Symposium 8 (2), 227-248.

, 2002, Poetics of a possible god — faith or philosophy?, in B. Babich (ed.), Hermeneutic philosophy of science, van Gogh's eyes, and God, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 351-360.

(ed) , 1996, Paul Ricoeur: The hermeneutics of action, Sage, London.

, 1995, Surplus being: the Kantian legacy, in B. Babich (ed.), From phenomenology to thought, errancy, and desire, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 71-87.

(ed) , 1994, Twentieth-century continental philosophy, Routledge, London.

, 1991, Poetics of imagining: From Husserl to Lyotard, Harper & Collins, London.

with Greisch, J. (eds) , 1991a, Paul Ricœur. Les métamorphoses de la raison herméneutique: Actes du colloque de Cérisy-la-Salle, 1-11 août 1988, Éditions du Cerf, Paris.