Stefan Roski

, 2019, 'Bolzano and Kim on grounding and unification', Synthese 196 (7), 2971-2999.

, 2017, Bolzano's conception of grounding, Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main.

with Schnieder, B. , 2016, 'Grunde aller Arten?: Der Anspruch auf Vereinheitlichung in Bolzanos Abfolgetheorie', Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie 8, 891-910.

with Loeb, I. , 2014, 'The transition from formula-centered to concept-centered analysis Bolzano's purely analytic proof: as a case study', Philosophia Scientiae 18 (1), 113-129.

, 2013a, A priori knowledge in Bolzano, conceptual truths, and judgements, in M. Van Der Schaar (ed.), Judgement and the epistemic foundation of logic, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 101-130.