Raivis Bičevskis
Raivis Bičevskis studied at the University of Latvia, Westphalia Wilhelms-University Münster (Germany) and Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz (Germany). He is head of Department of Philosophy and Ethics in the Faculty of History and Philosophy of University of Latvia, Vice Chair of Council of Humanities and Education Sciences of University of Latvia, Associated Professor in the Faculty of History and Philosophy, Leading researcher in the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology. Ca. 80 Scientific Publications, ca 50 Conferences Presentations. Latvian Council of Sciences’ Expert of Social and Human Sciences in Philosophy, Member of the Martin-Heidegger-Society (Messkirch, Germany). Research interests: German Philosophy, Martin Heidegger, Johann Georg Hamann, Johann Gottfried Herder, Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, Theory of Experience, Theory and Methods of Humanities, History of Sciences and Culture. Award: European Academy of Sciences and Arts and Latvian Council of Sciences Promotion Prize (2009).
in: Baltisch-deutsche Kulturbeziehungen vom 16. bis 19. Jahrhundert, Heidelberg : Carl Winter

with Eickmeyer Jost, Levans Andris, Schaper Anu, Spiekermann Björn, Walter Inga (ed)
Heidelberg, Carl Winter
Heidegger Studies 34

with Eickmeyer Jost, Levans Andris, Spiekermann Björn, Walter Inga (ed)
Heidelberg, Carl Winter