The itinerary of intersubjectivity in social phenomenological research
Vol. 1
Kenneth Liberman
舒茲的社會理論思想 (the social theory of Schutz and phenomenological psychology)
Chung-Chi Yu
Reality as work
Thomas Luckmann
Doubled otherness in ethnopsychiatry
Bernhard Waldenfels
Typification and phantasia
Denisa Butnaru
Husserl의 현상학과 Schutz의 현상학적 사회학(Husserl's phenomenology and Schutz's phenomenological sociology)
Nam-In Lee
Economics in the context of Alfred Schutz's theory of science
Lester Embree
Relevancias y planes de vida en el mundo sociocultural
Pablo Hermida-Lazcano
Constituted to care
Mary F. Rogers
心理治療的倫理現場 (psychotherapy as a locale for ethical care)
Wei-Lun Lee
In search of cosmopolitan space
Sungtae Lee
Michael Barber
Understanding, self-reflection, and equality
A phenomenological study of Sudanese children's experience of seeking refuge in North Africa
George Berguno, Nour Loutfy
Alfred Schutz private family journal of first trip to the United States of America in 1937
Evelyn S. Lang
Truth as objectified knowledge in in-groups
Vol. 10
Michael Hanke
Luigi Muzzetto
Towards a Schützian approach to group-membership
Frédéric Guillaume Gass-Quintero
Moral injury on the front lines of truth
Barton Buechner, Sergej van Middendorp, Rik Spann
The social meaning of prices
Daniela Griselda López
Schutz's mutual tuning-in relationship
Dorianne Cotter-Lockard
Introduction to Schutzian research 10
Social media in a Schutzian perspective
Manuel Petrik
Language, verstehen, and the life-world in social science methodology
Riccardo Venturini
Transformative phenomenology as an antidote to technological deathworlds
Valerie Malhotra Bentz, David Rehorick , James Marlatt, Ayumi Nishii, Carol Estrada
Appresentational and knowledge-based constitution of everyday life-proof
Benjamin Stuck
The meaning contexts of poetry
Jerry Williams
The phenomenology of social institutions in the Schutzian tradition
Vol. 11
Carlos Belvedere , Alexis Gros
Newleavers and educational institutions
Germán D. Fernández-Vavrik
Economic institutions from a phenomenological perspective
Daniela Griselda López, Valeria Laborda
Introduction to Schutzian Research 11
Phantasying, how to get out of oneself and yet to remain within
Marek Chojnacki
One more phenomenology of the social world?
Ingeborg Katharina Helling
Comments by Eugen Fink on Alfred Schutz's essay, "The problem of transcendental intersubjectivity in Husserl"
Vol. 2
Eugen Fink
Intentionality of communication
Mitsuhiro Tada
Exploring Heidegger's ecstatic temporality in the context of embodied breakdown
David A. Stone , Christina Papadimitriou
The problem of transcendental intersubjectivity in Husserl
Alfred Schütz
Problems of a sociology of language (fall semester, 1958) - preface and introduction
Schutzian methodology as a progressive research agenda commentary on Lester Embree's "economics in the context of Alfred Schütz's theory of science"
Petrik Runst
Problems of a sociology of language (fall semester, 1958)
Choreological explorations of carnal poetics
Vol. 3
Maureen Connolly
Theory and method in the human sciences
Maureen Connolly, Thomas D. Craig
Virtue, ethics, and neurosis
Paul Gyllenhammer
Interdisciplinary phenomenology and the study of gender and ethnicity
Jacqueline Martinez
Special issue introduction
Richard L Lanigan
Husserl's phenomenology in America (USA)
Interview with dr. Alfred Schutz, November 20, 1958 New York City
Bettina Bien Greaves
The experience of phenomenological place
Lori K. Schneider
Essences of somatic awareness as captured in a verbally directed body scan
Luann D. Fortune
Deception, sin, and the existential bargain of adolescent embodiment
Frank Macke
Amedeo Peter Giorgi
This body I call mine as transgressive sign
Thomas D. Craig
Form, content, function
Jonathan Parsons
The terror and hope
Michael Gubser
Wall Street and Main Street in Schutzian perspective
Dennis Skocz
Generating sense
Bryan Smyth
Show me a sign
Alfred Schutz interview on economics and politics
Roger Koppl , Mie Augier
On Garfinkel and Schutz
Vol. 4
George Psathas
Crossing cultures of knowledge
It's about time!
Two concepts of type in the work of Alfred Schutz
Imposed relevance
Andreas Göttlich
The oblivion of the life-world the correspondence of alfred Schutz and Talcott Parsons
Phenomenological research of nursing and its method
Tetsuya Sakakibara
The cartesian residue in intersubjectivity and child development
Action and relevance
Hermílio Santos
Integrating strangers into the mainstream society
Vol. 5
Matteo Bonotti
Nachfolge der transzendentalen und mundanen Phänomenologie als Voraussetzung empirisch phänomenologischer Forschung
Kseniya Dmytrenko
Phenomenological sociology as an intellectual movement
Jonathan M. Wender
What is Schutzian phenomenology?
Carlos Belvedere
Reflections on a phenomenology of power
Jochen Dreher
On George Psathas and phenomenological sociology
Regaining sense-connections after cerebral hemorrhage
Thomas S Eberle
Ethnomethodological explorations
Douglas Macbeth
Acts & events
Joachim Renn, Linda Nell
Fragment of a phenomenology of rhythm
Alfred Schutz, the epistemology and methodology of the human and social sciences, and the subjective foundations of objectivity
Vol. 6
Simon Glynn
Mundo de la vida y tipifi caciones de sentido común en los proces de reproducción social
Mercedes Krause
The "well-informed citizen" as a theory of public space
Stock of knowledge as determined by class position
Horacio Banega, R. M.
Alfred Schutz on social order
Towards a moderate direct perception theory
Alexis Gros
Transformation of knowledge and a university "crisis" in Japan
Hisashi Nasu
Levels of intersubjectivity
Vol. 7
Jonathan Tuckett
To wait and let wait
Historicity in Edmund Husserl and Alfred Schutz
Roberto Walton
Methodological individualism
Dániel Havrancsik
Editor's introduction
Aron Gurwitsch at the dawn of French phenomenology
Vol. 8
Maria Luz Pintos Peñaranda
Schutz' semiotics and the symbolic construction of reality
The problem of "experiencing transcendence" in symbols, everyday language and other persons
Jan Straßheim
Alfred Schutz and Aron Gurwitsch at the New school for social research
Benita Luckmann
Why I cannot dance the tango
Symbolic reality construction
Schutz's contribution to a philosophical dialogue at the Royaumont conference in 1957
Alfred Schütz, Marina Paola Banchetti
Outline of the relationship among transcendental phenomenology, phenomenological psychology, and the sciences of persons
Frederick Wertz
Introduction to Schutzian research 8
On biography
Reflective analysis and phenomenology
Vol. 9
William R McKenna
Lester Embree: biography
Introduction to Schutzian Research 9
Embree and Cairns on phenomenology and psychology
The foundations of support relationship for Hikikomori people
Teppei Sekimizu
Inconsistency between solitary ego and the social world?
Ken Takakusa
Passing on the baton
Andreas Goettlich
Growing old
Lester Embree on "collective subjects"
Carlos Belevedere
Lester Embree and the networks of phenomenologists in China, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan