In the phenomenological rejection of both rationalism and empiricism, the concepts of intuition, creation, duration and relativity pervade the work of early phenomenologists. For this conference, we invite work on these concepts, with special attention to Henri Bergson’s influence on phenomenology, along with contemporary work related to these concepts. Scholarly papers on the history of phenomenology are welcomed alongside work developed with an awareness of the method of reductions common to early phenomenologists. For example, intuition and how Husserl adapted it to the reception of the eidos his developing exegesis of the phenomenological method of reductions, creation and its attendant metaphysics, freedom and determinism, open and closed morality, static and dynamic religion, order and chaos, time and its relation to consciousness, and relativity in conversation with scientific pursuits, change, movement, unity and multiplicity—all of these phenomenological concepts bespeak a metaphysics (or perhaps epistemology) that diverges from more well-known analytic counterparts.
Calendar | Conference
Intuition, Creation, Duration and Relativity
Annual conference of The North American Society for Early Phenomenology
San Diego, 2 - 4 June 2023
Official WebsiteCall for Abstracts
The North American Society for Early Phenomenology
Intuition, Creation, Duration, and Relativity
2-4 June 2023
University of San Diego, San Diego, California
Keynote Speakers:
Michael Kelly (University of San Diego)
Robin Muller (California State University Northridge)
Clinton Tolley (University of California San Diego)
The North American Society for Early Phenomenology invites abstracts for papers on phenomenological work related to intuition, creation, duration, and relativity for our annual conference.
In the phenomenological rejection of both rationalism and empiricism, the concepts of intuition, creation, duration and relativity pervade the work of early phenomenologists. For this conference, we invite work on these concepts, with special attention to Henri Bergson’s influence on phenomenology, along with contemporary work related to these concepts. Scholarly papers on the history of phenomenology are welcomed alongside work developed with an awareness of the method of reductions common to early phenomenologists. For example, intuition and how Husserl adapted it to the reception of the eidos his developing exegesis of the phenomenological method of reductions, creation and its attendant metaphysics, freedom and determinism, open and closed morality, static and dynamic religion, order and chaos, time and its relation to consciousness, and relativity in conversation with scientific pursuits, change, movement, unity and multiplicity—all of these phenomenological concepts bespeak a metaphysics (or perhaps epistemology) that diverges from more well-known analytic counterparts.
As always, we encourage submissions dealing with the thought of the full spectrum of early phenomenologists (including Edmund Husserl, Franz Brentano, Carl Stumpf, Theodor Lipps, Alexander Pfänder, Max Scheler, Moritz Geiger, Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Eugen Fink, Roman Ingarden, Edith Stein, Dietrich Von Hildebrand, Adolf Reinach, Maximilian Beck, Jean Hering, Henri Bergson, Emmanuel Levinas, et al.) as well as figures who were in conversation with or influenced the early phenomenological movement (Ravaisson, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, etc).
We especially encourage submissions from individuals who identify as members of groups currently underrepresented in philosophy and academia more generally.
Abstracts should be 400-600 words and include a short bibliography. Abstracts must be prepared for blind review and sent to Charlene Elsby (
Deadline for submissions is February 1th, 2023.
Decisions will be sent out no later than March 1st, 2023.