Relying on the traditions of theories of Bildung, phenomenology and critical pedagogy, this conference aims to approach the fundamental questions of nature and role of education by focusing on the lived experiences of education. We believe this may help tackle the problems of contemporary education by reorienting educational theory towards what truly matters: from education as a tool of human capital management, to education as a process that shapes human life, relations and personal growth. Drawing on a variety of lived educational experiences should reveal their underlying structures, leading to a deeper understanding of educational phenomena in their rich diversity and significance.
Calendar | Conference
Fourth International Conference: Why Still Education? Experience of Education
Belgrade, 9 - 11 October 2024
Official WebsiteInstitute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, invites submissions for the Fourth International Why Still Education? Conference, under the title “Experience of Education”.
Belgrade, 9-11 October 2024
Relying on the traditions of theories of Bildung, phenomenology and critical pedagogy, this conference aims to approach the fundamental questions of nature and role of education by focusing on the lived experiences of education. We believe this may help tackle the problems of contemporary education by reorienting educational theory towards what truly matters: from education as a tool of human capital management, to education as a process that shapes human life, relations and personal growth. Drawing on a variety of lived educational experiences should reveal their underlying structures, leading to a deeper understanding of educational phenomena in their rich diversity and significance.
We welcome contributions from all areas of social sciences and humanities. The conference is open to both the theoretical analyses of the general structures, as well as to the empirical studies of lived educational experiences. The inspiration for the topic comes from the phenomenological concept of lived experience, but we also welcome contributions that do not belong to the school of phenomenology.
A turn to lived experience opens numerous themes, starting with the fundamental question of the very essence of education.
Keynote Speakers
Gert Biesta (Maynooth University Ireland & University of Edinburgh)
Malte Brinkmann (Humboldt University)
Carla Rinaldi (Fondazione Reggio Children – Centro Loris Malaguzzi)
The full text of the call can be found here: [CONFERENCE CALL] Fourth International Conference Why Still Education? – INSTITUTE FOR PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIAL THEORY (