Karl-Otto Apel

Hegel and hermeneutics


Theodore Kisiel

in: Beyond epistemology, Dordrecht : Springer

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Pragmatism in Apel and Habermas


Gunnar Skirbekk

in: Philosophy of Mind/Philosophie de l’esprit, Dordrecht : Springer

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The ideal speech situation: neo-Kantian ethics in Habermas and Apel


Adi Ophir

in: Kant's practical philosophy reconsidered, Dordrecht : Springer

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Martin Heidegger and the "cartesian brainwash'


Hans Bernhard Schmid

in: Plural action, Dordrecht : Springer

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La responsabilité en discussion : Apel/Jonas


Éric Pommier

Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'Étranger 137/4

Apel's project of cognitive anthropology for non-Western world and a supplement of muslim proposal


Abdul Rahim Afaki

in: Phenomenology and the human positioning in the cosmos I, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link
Abstract objectivity: Richard J. Bernstein's critique of Hilary Putnam


Brendan Hogan , Lawrence Marcelle

in: Richard J. Bernstein and the pragmatist turn in contemporary philosophy, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan

Open Access Link
Peirce's theory of truth and fallibilism


Hugh McDonald

in: Richard J. Bernstein and the pragmatist turn in contemporary philosophy, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan

Open Access Link
Truth, objectivity, and experience after the pragmatic turn: Bernstein on Habermas's "Kantian pragmatism"


Jeffrey Flynn

in: Richard J. Bernstein and the pragmatist turn in contemporary philosophy, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan

Open Access Link
Raising validity claims for reasons


Matthias Kettner

in: Transcendental inquiry, Dordrecht : Springer

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