Jindřich Toman

Jakobson, R. , 2017, Angažovaná čítanka Romana Jakobsona, ed. Toman Jindřich, Karolinum, Praha.

Jakobson, R. , 2013, Uncollected works, 1934-1943, ed. Toman Jindřich, de Gruyter Mouton, Berlin-Boston.

Jakobson, R. , 2012, Uncollected works, 1916-1933, ed. Toman Jindřich, de Gruyter Mouton, Berlin-Boston.

, 1995, The magic of a common language: Jakobson, Mathesius, Trubetzkoy, and the Prague Linguistic Circle, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

(ed) , 1994a, Letters and other materials from the Moscow and Prague Linguistic Circles, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.