Peter Handest

with Parnas, J. , Møller, P. , Kircher, T. , Thalbitzer, J. , Jansson, L. , Zahavi, D. , 2015, Undersökning av störningar i självupplevelsen, Lund Universitet, Lund.

with Parnas, J. , 2005, 'Clinical characteristics of 50 first-admitted icd-10 schizotypal patients', British Journal of Psychiatry Supplement 48, 49-54.

with Parnas, J. , Møller, P. , Jansson, L. , Zahavi, D. , Kircher, T. , Thalbitzer, J. , 2005, 'EASE: examination of anomalous self-experience', Psychopathology 38 (5), 236-258.

with Parnas, J. , 2003, 'Phenomenology of anomalous self-experience in early schizophrenia', Comprehensive Psychiatry 44, 121-134.

with Parnas, J. , Saebye, D. , Jansson, L. , 2003, 'Anomalies of subjective experience in schizophrenia and psychotic bipolar illness', Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 108, 126-133.

with Parnas, J. , Jansson, L. , Sass, L. , 1998a, 'Self-experience in the prodromal phases of schizophrenia: A pilot study of first-admissions', Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research 6 (2), 97-106.