Alexandru Bejinariu

, 2022, Descriptive and intentional contents: considerations on Husserl's Logical Investigations from Brentano’s Empirical Point of View, in I. Tănăsescu, A. Bejinariu, S. Krantz Gabriel & C. Stoenescu (eds.), Brentano and the positive philosophy of Comte and Mill, Berlin, de Gruyter, pp. 371-400.

with Tănăsescu, I. , Krantz Gabriel, S. , Stoenescu, C. (eds) , 2022, Brentano and the positive philosophy of Comte and Mill: with translations of original writings on philosophy as science by Franz Brentano, de Gruyter, Berlin.

, 2019, Review: Schnell Alexander, Was ist Phänomenologie?, Studia Phaenomenologica 19, pp. 353-356.

, 2018, 'Animal experience: a formal-indicative approach to Martin Heidegger's account of animality', Human Studies 41 (2), 233-254.

with Borţun, I. (eds) , 2018, Comunitate – Identitate – Diferență: Priviri fenomenologice, Zeta Books, Bucharest.

, 2017, 'Denken ohne Sprache: Phänomenologie des nichtsprachlichen Denkens bei Mensch und Tier im Licht der Evolutionsforschung', Studia Phaenomenologica 17, 425-428.

, 2015, 'The phenomenology of religious life: from primary christianity to eastern christianity', Symposion 2 (4), 447-462.

, 2014a, Review: , , Studia Phaenomenologica 14, pp. 410-413.