Peter Pagin

, 2019, 'A general argument against structured propositions', Synthese 196 (4), 1501-1528.

, 2017, 'Tolerance and higher-order vagueness', Synthese 194 (10), 3727-3760.

with van Rooij, R. , Akerman, J. , 2013, 'Philosophy of language and mind', Synthese 190 (10), 1731-1733.

with van Rooij, R. , Akerman, J. (eds) , 2013, Synthese 190 (10).

, 2012, 'Assertion, inference, and consequence', Synthese 187 (3), 869-885.

, 2009, Intuitionism and the anti-justification of bivalence, in E. Palmgren & K. Segerberg (eds.), Logicism, intuitionism, and formalism, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 221-236.

, 2008, 'Indeterminacy and the analytic/synthetic distinctions: a survey', Synthese 164 (1), 1-18.

, 2002, Olismo e composizionalità sono compatibili?, in M. Dell'utri (ed.), Olismo, Macerata, Quodlibet, pp. n/a.

with Glüer, K. , 1998a, 'Rules of meaning and practical reasoning', Synthese 117 (2), 207-227.