Theodore George

with van der Heiden, G.-J. (eds) , 2021, The Gadamerian mind, Routledge, London.

with Bambach, C. (eds) , 2019, Philosophers and their poets: reflections on the poetic turn in philosophy since Kant, SUNY Press, Albany.

, 2017, 'In a world fraught and tender: on Dennis Schmidt's contribution to an original ethics', Epoché 22 (1), 39-52.

, 2011, 'Passive resistance: Giorgio Agamben and the bequest of early German romanticism and Hegel', Epoché 16 (1), 37-48.

, 2003a, 'Specifications: Heidegger, Hegel, and the comedy of the end of art', Epoché 8 (1), 27-41.