Eric Scerri

with Baird, D. , McIntyre, L. , 2006, Introduction, in D. Baird, E. Scerri & L. Mcintyre (eds.), Philosophy of chemistry, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 3-18.

, 2006, Normative and descriptive philosophy of science and the role of chemistry, in D. Baird, E. Scerri & L. Mcintyre (eds.), Philosophy of chemistry, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 119-128.

with Baird, D. , McIntyre, L. (eds) , 2006, Philosophy of chemistry: synthesis of a new discipline, Springer, Dordrecht.

, 1997a, 'Bibliography on philosophy of chemistry', Synthese 111 (3), 305-324.

, 1997b, 'Editorial introduction', Synthese 111 (3), 211-212.

, 1997c, 'The case for the philosophy of chemistry', Synthese 111 (3), 213-232.

, 1995a, 'The exclusion principle, chemistry and hidden variables', Synthese 102 (1), 165-169.