Wolfram Hogrebe

, 2016, 'Indistinctness and disunion', Dialogue and universalism 26 (3), 183-192.

, 2013, 'Einführung', Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie 4, 693-695.

with Knowles, A. , 2010a, 'Architectures in the imaginary', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (2), 281-304.

with Knowles, A. , 2010b, 'From the object to the scene', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (2), 237-263.

with Knowles, A. , 2010c, 'Hegel's awakening', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (2), 225-235.

with Knowles, A. , 2010d, 'Postscript: the song of law', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (2), 305-311.

with Knowles, A. , 2010e, 'Preliminary remark: tact and forebearance', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (2), 219-223.

with Knowles, A. , 2010f, 'Real context and the emotional a priori', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (2), 265-280.

, 1999, Sinnlosigkeit und Freiheit, in A. Schirmer (Hrsg.), Entdecken und Verraten, Weimar, Böhlaus Nachfolger, pp. 310-318.

, a, 'Einführung', Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie 2, 175-177.

, b, 'Riskante Lebensnähe', Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie 2, 40-62.