Frank Macke

, 2011a, 'A semiotic phemenology of "contact": the phatic function of body and flesh in Jakobson's model of communication', The American Journal of Semiotics 27 (1-4), 81-94.

, 2011b, 'Deception, sin, and the existential bargain of adolescent embodiment: identity, intimacy, and eroticism', Schutzian Research 3, 133-151.

, 2001a, 'Quintilian's instituto oratoria and postmodern pedagogy', The American Journal of Semiotics 17 (4), 183-202.

, 2001b, 'The archaeology of gender and a theory of communication', The American Journal of Semiotics 17 (2), 201-238.

, 2000a, 'What are "we", and how do we know when we have communicated?: thoughts toward a semiotic phenomenology of discursive relations', The American Journal of Semiotics 15 (1-4), 233-248.