(2017) Metodo 5 (1).

Eugen Fink e la fenomenologia dell'irrealtà

Nicola Zippel

pp. 327-375

After being discussed in 1929 with Husserl as referent and Heidegger as co-referent, Eugen Fink’s Dissertation “Vergegenwärtigung und Bild” (Presentification and Image) has been published in 1930 on the “Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung”. In his study, Fink works out a careful and methodic inquiry of basic notions of Husserlian thought regarding the time-consciousness. The paper analyzes the main theses of Dissertation, paying particular attention to the fist and wider part devoted to presentification, a concept that means all mental processes, which make present what belongs to the sphere of the past, the future, or the possible: memory, expectation, imagination, and dream. Through a comparison with the investigations that Husserl himself addressed to the topic of not-presence and unreality, we aim at casting light on the radical detailed analyses introduced by Fink, with special focus on the original changes concerning the phenomenological status of dreaming.

Publication details

DOI: 10.19079/metodo.5.1.327

Full citation:

Zippel, N. (2017). Eugen Fink e la fenomenologia dell'irrealtà. Metodo 5 (1), pp. 327-375.

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