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(2018) Human Arenas 1 (2).
Exotopic processes in emergency of new positions in self
Ramon Cerqueira Gomes , Virgínia Dazzani
pp. 191-197
This paper aims to present the exotopy as intrinsic characteristic of the dynamic of positions within the self through the analysis of one tale of a very famous Brazilian author, Machado de Assis: The looking glass: rough draft of a new theory of the human soul. It tells a history of a man, Jacobina, who conquered a new important military status in nineteenth century Brazil: "lieutenant" when he was 25 years old. However, after visiting his proud aunt, something unexpected happens with him; suddenly he gets alone in her house. We will discuss the role of the "other" as a person or character in our positions in daily life by exotopic process. This is a regulatory mechanism used in our relationship with the world. It allows us to occupy several outer positions through the distancing from here and now. Everywhere we are invited by other people, perspectives or voices to be in another outer position in relation to time and space, and in this situation, the self is mobilized to respond them by means of agency. Although it seems we define ourselves especially through the inner positions, each one of them is intrinsically related to some outer person/position. Everyone is looking for concrete or imagined responses with people, characters or things are originally out of him/her. Afterwards, when these responses are created and internalized, they become active respondent inner positions. The responsiveness is a need to become a dialogical human being. We will always need to respond to another whatever in concrete or imagined situations to be what we are, and we will see beyond and search exotopic positions in someone/something to exist, even if we appropriate or reject them.
Publication details
DOI: 10.1007/s42087-018-0005-y
Full citation:
Cerqueira Gomes, R. , Dazzani, V. (2018). Exotopic processes in emergency of new positions in self. Human Arenas 1 (2), pp. 191-197.
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