(2000) Synthese 125 (1-2).

The quantum and classical domains as provisional parallel coexistents

Michel Paty

pp. 179-200

We consider the problem of therelationship between the quantum and theclassical domains from the point of view that itis possible to speak of a direct physicaldescription of quantum systems havingphysical properties. We put emphasis, inevidencing it, on the specific quantum conceptof indistinguishability of identical in aconceptual way (and not in a logical way in thevein of ``da Costa's school''). In essence, thesubsequent argumentation deals with therelationship between the classical and thequantum, with the problem of the quantum theoryof measurement. Even in the absence of adefinitive response to this problem, the bestattitude for the time being, as we cannot reducethe classical and the quantum one to the other,seems to be to accept their pacific coexistence,and this is possible with the toleranceprinciple of the ``pragmatic truth'' developedfrom a logical point of view by Newton daCosta.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1023/A:1005288605275

Full citation:

Paty, M. (2000). The quantum and classical domains as provisional parallel coexistents. Synthese 125 (1-2), pp. 179-200.