The nature and seven goals of medicine
Vol. 7
Josef Seifert
Vol. 2
Karol cardinal Wojtyla (pope John Paul II) as philosopher and the Cracow/Lublin school of philosophy
Is Reinach's "Apriorische Rechtslehre" more important for positive law than he himself thinks?
Vol. 3
Vol. 1/1
Essence and existence II
Vol. 1/2
Essence and existence I
Dietrich von Hildebrands philosophische Entdeckung der "Wertantwort" und die Grundlegung der Ethik
Vol. 5
Dietrich von Hildebrand (1889-1977)
John F. Crosby, Josef Seifert
Die realistische Philosophie als Rückgang auf Platon
Vol. 6
Are there timeless falsities? On the difference between truth and falsity with respect to the ideal existence o meaning-units
Appendix. being and value
Answer to "disputed questions" concerning "essence and existence"
A. Reinach, sämtliche werke