Nancy Cartwright
with Steed, S. , Contessa, G. (2011)., Keeping track of Neurath's bill: abstract concepts, stock models and the unity of classical physics, in J. Symons, O. Pombo & J. M. . Torres (eds.), Otto Neurath and the unity of science, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 95-108.
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with Fennell, D. (2010). Does roush show that evidence should be probable?. Synthese 175 (3), pp. 289-310.
(1999). Causal diversity and the Markov condition. Synthese 121 (1-2), pp. 3-27.
(1996). Otto Neurath: philosophy between science and politics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
(1995). Précis of nature's capacities and their measurement. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (1), pp. 153-156.
(1995). Reply to Eells, Humphreys and Morrison. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (1), pp. 177-187.
(1993). In defence of "this worldly" causality: comments on van Fraassen's laws and symmetry. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53, pp. 423-429.
(1993). Is natural science "natural" enough?: a reply to Philip Allport. Synthese 94 (2), pp. 291-301.
(1993)., Marks and probabilities: two ways to find causal structure, in F. Stadler (ed.), Scientific philosophy, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 113-119.
(1991). Can wholism reconcile the inaccuracy of theory with the accuracy of prediction?. Synthese 89 (1), pp. 3-13.
with Jones, M. (1991)., How to hunt quantum causes, in W. Spohn (ed.), Erkenntnis orientated, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 205-231.
(1989). The Born-Einstein debate: where application and explanation separate. Synthese 81 (3), pp. 271-282.