Adolf Grünbaum

A catholic stance toward scientific inquiry for the 21st century


Steve Fuller

in: Hermeneutic philosophy of science, van Gogh's eyes, and God, Dordrecht : Springer

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Reichenbach on indeterminism and becoming


Iain Martel

in: The importance of time, Dordrecht : Springer

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Sciences and pseudosciences: an attempt at a new form of demarcation


Graham Solomon

in: Witches, scientists, philosophers, Dordrecht : Springer

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The hermeneutical conception of psychoanalysis: Grünbaum's foundations of psychoanalysis


Sybe J. S. Terwee

in: Hermeneutics in psychology and psychoanalysis, Dordrecht : Springer

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Duhem, Quine and Grünbaum on falsification


Gary Wedeking

in: Can theories be refuted?, Dordrecht : Springer

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Grünbaum on the "duhemian argument"


Laurens Laudan

in: Can theories be refuted?, Dordrecht : Springer

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