Wlodek Rabinowicz
(2017). From values to probabilities. Synthese 194 (10), pp. 3901-3929.
with Eriksson, L. (2014)., Betting interpretation and the problem of interference, in M. C. Galavotti, E. Nemeth & F. Stadler (eds.), European philosophy of science, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 103-115.
with Eriksson, L. (2013). The interference problem for the betting interpretation of degrees of belief. Synthese 190 (5), pp. 809-830.
with Bovens, L. (2010). The puzzle of the hats. Synthese 172 (1), pp. 57-78.
with Bovens, L. (2006). Democratic answers to complex questions – an epistemic perspective. Synthese 150 (1), pp. 131-153.
with Jiborn, M. (2003). Reconsidering the Foole's rejoinder: backward induction in indefinitely iterated prisoner's dilemmas. Synthese 136 (2), pp. 135-157.
with Rønnow-Rasmussen, T. (2003). Tropic of value. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 66 (2), pp. 389-403.
with Lindström, S. (1992). Belief revision, epistemic conditionals and the Ramsey test. Synthese 91 (3), pp. 195-237.