Lo Spirito come modificazione della lettera

Elisabetta Brizio

pp. 235-243

This paper stresses the circumstance that Ferraris’ Documentalità shows that what is often improperly called “communication society” actually consists in a “recording society”. Recording is either a condition of the persistence of thought, and of the existence and the recognition of the social world, which expresses and settles itself in a configuration of documents. This perspective gets the notion of “spirit” out from its abstraction: without a letter, the spirit wouldn’t have any ontological consistence. What we call “spiritual” is the result of registrations: as such, it has a foundational value and implies the responsibility for the acts that result from it.

Publication details

DOI: 10.4000/estetica.1486

Full citation:

Brizio, E. (2012). Lo Spirito come modificazione della lettera. Rivista di estetica 50, pp. 235-243.

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