Nicolas de Warren

“Having studied in Paris, Heidelberg, and Boston, I graduated with my PhD from Boston University in 2001. I have written more than 60 articles, most recently published an edited volume on Neo-Kantianism, and my book on Husserl and the problem of time will appear in Italian translation this year. In 2013 I was the recipient of a European Research Council grant for a project on the impact of the First World War on 20th-century philosophy. I am currently writing two books: one on evil and forgiveness, the other on German Kriegsphilosophie during the First World War."

Original forgiveness


Evanston, Ill., Northwestern University Press

Husserl's awakening to speech


The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 17

Darkness over the deep: Levinas and the evil of being


Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 17/2

"Phänomenologie des inneren Zeitbewußtseins"


in: Husserl-Handbuch, Stuttgart : Metzler

Open Access Link
Eyes wide shut: Sartre's phenomenology of dreaming


in: Philosophy of mind and phenomenology, London-New York : Routledge

Husserl's hermeneutical phenomenology of the life-world as culture reconsidered


in: The phenomenological critique of mathematisation and the question of responsibility, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link
L'impardonnable chez Jankélévitch


Archives de philosophie 77/3

Emmanuel Levinas and a soliloquy of light and reason


in: Husserl's Ideen, Dordrecht : Springer

The forgiveness of time and consciousness


in: The Oxford handbook of contemporary phenomenology, Oxford : Oxford University Press

The third life of subjectivity: towards a phenomenology of dreaming


in: Life, subjectivity and art, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link
Miracles of creation: Bergson and Levinas


in: Bergson and phenomenology, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link
Tamino's eyes, Pamina's gaze: Husserl's phenomenology of image-consciousness refashioned


in: Philosophy, phenomenology, sciences, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link
The life, work, and legacy of Trần Đức Thảo


Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 30/2

Edmund Husserl: founder of phenomenology


American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 81/4

Open Access Link
The significance of Stern's "Präsenzzeit" for Husserl's phenomenology of inner time-consciousness


The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 5

S. Gallagher, The inordinance of time


Continental Philosophy Review 32/2

Open Access Link