Rimma Telcharova-Kurenkova
The idea of paidea in the context of ontopoesis of life
with Plekhanov Eugene, Rogačeva Elena
in: Phenomenology/ontopoiesis retrieving geo-cosmic horizons of antiquity, Dordrecht : Springer

The transcendental-phenomenological meaning of the notion of "experience" in E. Husserl and J. Dewey's philosophy

Creative process as a factor and condition of the phenomenology of life
in: Imaginatio creatrix, Dordrecht : Kluwer

The transcendental — phenomenological meaning of the notion of "experience" in the philosophies of e. Husserl and J. Dewey

Music on the scene of life of the next century
in: The creative matrix of the origins, Dordrecht : Kluwer

La phénoménologie de la formation
with Plekhanov Eugene, Sisova S
in: Creative virtualities in human self-interpretation-in-culture, Dordrecht : Kluwer

L'animal - l'humain
with Plekhanov Eugene, Rogačeva Elena
in: Phenomenology of life as the starting point of philosophy, Dordrecht : Kluwer