
Miloš Ševčik

Miloš Ševčík (born 1973) is associate professor at the Department of Aesthetics at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague and the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. His research focuses mainly on the topic of aesthetic experience and comics. His recent publications include the monographs: Process and Aesthetics. An Outline of Whiteheadian Aesthetics and Beyond (together with Ondřej Dadejík, Martin Kaplický, and Vlastimil Zuska), Praha Karolinum, 2021, and Louis Cazamian’s Theory of Humour, Praha Karolinum, 2021.

Patočkovy interpretace literatury


with Blahutková Daniela

Červený Kostelec, Mervart