Repository | Book

Springer, Dordrecht
397 Pages
ISBN 978-94-009-9862-9
Essays in honour of Jaakko Hintikka
Edited by
Esa Saarinen , Risto Hilpinen, Ilkka Niiniluoto, Merrill Provence Hintikka
Publication details
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-009-9860-5
Full citation:
Saarinen, E. , Hilpinen, R. , Niiniluoto, I. , Provence Hintikka, M. (eds) (1979). Essays in honour of Jaakko Hintikka, Springer, Dordrecht.
Table of Contents
Husserl and Heidegger on the role of actions in the constitution of the world
Føllesdal Dagfinn

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