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(1968) The reach of mind, Dordrecht, Springer.

Studies on the inductive influence of head posture on various functions in unilateral disequilibrium

Lipman Halpern

pp. 75-92

Until now, the significance of head posture has been considered chiefly from the symptomatological point of view. It is common knowledge that changes in head posture occur in general disturbances, such as meningeal or muscular disorders, or as a corrective posture in local lesions producing dysfunctions such as diplopia, homonymous hemianopsia or unilateral positional vertigo. Deviation of the head also occurs with posterior fossa tumors and may for some time be its only sign. A few year ago, F. A. Mettler (22) summarized our present knowledge concerning deviation of the head, analyzing the various structures whose involvement may cause abnormal head posture.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-40265-8_7

Full citation:

Halpern, L. (1968)., Studies on the inductive influence of head posture on various functions in unilateral disequilibrium, in M. L. Simmel (ed.), The reach of mind, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 75-92.

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