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(2002) Pragmatist ethics for a technological culture, Dordrecht, Springer.

Weak ethics, strong feelings

Hans Harbers

pp. 143-149

Lunacies like these are typical for what Korthals describes as the practice of companion animals. And no reasonable person would expect to impose such an exorbitant intimacy with animals on other practices of human-animal relations, like farming or experimental animal research. We don't have at our disposal a strong animal ethics, applicable to all practices and generally accepted; and it would be rather unpragmatic to develop and enforce one. But strong feelings towards animals we have - positive or negative. Such feelings, I would argue, should not be passed over too quickly as mere sentiments or unarticulated intuitions. On the contrary, they are a cornerstone of (not only moral) deliberations and learning processes concerning human-animal relations. Weak ethics but strong feelings.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-010-0301-8_11

Full citation:

Harbers, H. (2002)., Weak ethics, strong feelings, in J. Keulartz, M. Korthals, M. Schermer & T. Swierstra (eds.), Pragmatist ethics for a technological culture, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 143-149.

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