Springer, Dordrecht


343 Pages

ISBN 978-1-4020-9083-7

Towards mathematical philosophy

papers from the Studia logica conference Trends in logic IV

Edited by

David Makinson , Jacek Malinowski , Heinrich Wansing

This volume contains a collection of articles applying methods of logic or, more generally, of mathematics to solve problems, some of which come from logic itself, others from other sciences. Its range of subjects is far from complete, but broadly representative.

The first group of papers in this volume consists of contributions to pure and applied modal logic. The problems discussed here range from the structure of lattices of normal and other modal propositional logics to modal proof theory and tothe semantics of quantified modal logic. The second group of papers deals with Many-valued logics - an extensive domain of strictly logical investigations rooting in philosophical questions concerning the nature of logical values. Logical investigations in cognitive science have successfully utilized methods and systems of belief revision, non-monotonic logic and dynamic epistemic logic. Towards Mathematical Philosophy deals with focal issues of belief revision. The volume concludes with contributions which may be seen to belong to the field of formal epistemology, the area applying logical, probabilistic, game-theoretic and other formal methods to problems and issues in epistemology and philosophy of science, such as those concerning anti-realism, skepticism, theory comparison and theory choice, justification, sources of knowledge and learning theories.

Publication details

Full citation:

Makinson, D. , Malinowski, J. , Wansing, H. (eds) (2009). Towards mathematical philosophy: papers from the Studia logica conference Trends in logic IV, Springer, Dordrecht.

Table of Contents

From logic to mathematical philosophy

Makinson David; Malinowski Jacek; Wansing Heinrich


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All splitting logics in the lattice next (KTB)

Kowalski Tomasz; Miyazaki Yutaka


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A temporal logic of normative systems

Ågotnes Thomas; van der Hoek Wiebe; Rodríguez-Aguilar Juan A.; Sierra Carles; Wooldridge Michael


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Reasoning with justifications

Fitting Melvin


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Processing information from a set of sources

Avron Arnon; Ben-Naim Jonathan; Konikowska Beata


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A fuzzy logic approach to non-scalar hedges

van der Waart van Gulik Stephan


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The procedures for belief revision

Łukowski Piotr


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Shifting priorities

Rott Hans


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The coherence of theories—dependencies and weights

Jingshi Li Jason; Hung Kwok Rex Bing; Foo Norman Y.


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On meta-knowledge and truth

Wybraniec-Skardowska Urszula


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