Proceedings of the Third international Kant congress
held at the university of rochester, march 30–april 4, 1970
Edited by
Lewis White Beck
Publication details
Full citation:
White Beck, L. (ed) (1972). Proceedings of the Third international Kant congress: held at the university of rochester, march 30–april 4, 1970, Springer, Dordrecht.
Table of Contents
Non-pure synthetic a priori judgments in the "critique of pure reason"
Cramer Konrad

Über das Moment der Allgemeingültigkeit des ästhetischen Urteils in Kants "Kritik der Urteilskraft"
Henckmann Wolfhart

Extensional and intensional interpretation of synthetic propositions a priori
Knauss Gerhard

Kant's theory of the structure of empirical scientific inquiry and two implied postulates regarding things in themselves
Krausser Peter

Sprachphilosophische Erwägungen zur Funktion von Signum und Symbolum in Kants kritischer Philosophie
Lamacchia Ada

Imagination as the productive faculty for "creating another nature…"
Nahm Milton C.