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(2009) Verbum 31 (1-2).
De la Crise de la psychologie à la Théorie du langage
le langage aux prises avec le monde
Perrine Marthelot
pp. 131-152
The goal of this article is to show in what extent the two fields theory allows Bühler to answer the problem of the relationships between sensitive and conceptual presentation into language. This question was introduced with the representative function of language, and remained problematic until the analysis of Die Krise der Psychologie, where Bühler underlined the deep interaction between perception and semantics. Such an interaction does exist between the two fields of language as well and allows to demonstrate that representation constitutes its signification through an essential link to the world.
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Full citation:
Marthelot, P. (2009). De la Crise de la psychologie à la Théorie du langage: le langage aux prises avec le monde. Verbum 31 (1-2), pp. 131-152.
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