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(1989) Cause, mind, and reality, Dordrecht, Springer.

Objectivity and ideology in the physical and social sciences

Brian Medlin

pp. 201-220

This paper has two main targets, the first theoretical, the second practical. The theoretical target is a kind of relativism, to be discussed shortly. The consideration of relativism leads to a plausible account of the social generation of the ideal of objectivity. This account undermines certain relativist doctrines and leads in turn to an examination of the perennial tendency of those in power to stifle objective thinking. This tendency is the practical target. I am particularly concerned with current attempts to destroy the conditions for objectivity within the universities of Australia (and other countries). The whole discussion occurs within the context of the prospects for human survival.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-011-9734-2_14

Full citation:

Medlin, B. (1989)., Objectivity and ideology in the physical and social sciences, in J. Heil (ed.), Cause, mind, and reality, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 201-220.

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