(2017) Synthese 194 (9).

Scientific realism

quo vadis? introduction

Stathis Psillos , Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem

pp. 3187-3201

This Introduction has two foci: the first is a discussion of the motivation for and the aims of the 2014 conference on New Thinking about Scientific Realism in Cape Town South Africa, and the second is a brief contextualization of the contributed articles in this special issue of Synthese in the framework of the conference. Each focus is discussed in a separate section.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/s11229-017-1493-x

Full citation:

Psillos, S. , Ruttkamp-Bloem, E. (2017). Scientific realism: quo vadis? introduction. Synthese 194 (9), pp. 3187-3201.