(1988) Synthese 74 (3).

Met aknowledge

undefeated justification

Keith Lehrer

pp. 329-347

Internalism and externalism are both false. What is needed to convert true belief into knowledge is the appropriate blend of subjective and objective factors to yield the appropriate sort of connection between mind and the world. The sort of knowledge explicated is calledmetaknowledge and is knowledge that involves the evaluation of incoming information in terms of a background system. It is proposed that knowledge is equivalent to undefeated justification which is justification on the basis of every system that eliminates or corrects any error in what a person accepts. The system of such system is called the ultrasystem of the person. This account appeals both to internal factors and external factors and involves appeal to both normative requirements and empirical constraints. Justification is defined in terms of a comparative notion of rationality adapted from Chisholm.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/BF00869634

Full citation:

Lehrer, K. (1988). Met aknowledge: undefeated justification. Synthese 74 (3), pp. 329-347.