Conference | Paper

From natural science to psychology: Lewin's idea of ‘valence' and its possible phenomenological applications

Andrea Borsato

Tuesday 13th September 2022

16:30 - 17:15

Palazzo del Capitanio-Aula 5

K. Lewin presents his psychology as a science of the “psychological life space” - a science in the Galileian sense, which investigates the mind insofar as it belongs to an environment conceived of as a field of psychological forces. This leads, as is generally known, to the introduction of the crucial concept of ‘valence’ as a means of investigating, in particular, the relation between will and action. I would like to evaluate costs and benefits of such a methodological option from the point of view of Husserl’s phenomenology, and to pose, in particolar, the following question: can Lewin’s idea of ‘valence’ turn out to be phenomenologically fruitful? Can we employ in the realms of a descriptive psychology – or, in other words, in the first person perspective – a conceptual tool originally introduced for the purpose of investigating the mind from the third person perspective?