Alice Pugliese
with Jamieson, (2024). Subjectivity, empathy, motivation: in dialogue with Dale Jamieson. Metodo 12 (1), pp. 139.
with Jamieson, , Biasetti, P. (2024). Ethics, climate, and the environment. Metodo 12 (1), pp. 7-14.
with Jamieson, , Biasetti, P. (eds) (2024). Ethics, climate and the environment. Metodo 12 (1).
with Altobrando, A. (eds) (2023). The phenomenological quest beyond consciousness. Discipline Filosofiche 33 (2).
(2021). The animal subject: explorations on the edge of subjectivity. Paradigmi 39 (3), pp. 457-468.
(2020). Phenomenology of precarity. East Asian Journal of Philosophy 1 (1), pp. 71-84.
(2018). Motivational analysis in Husserl's genetic phenomenology. Studia Phaenomenologica 18, pp. n/a.
(2018). Play and self-reflection: Eugen Fink's phenomenological anthropology. Dialogue and universalism 28 (4), pp. 215-229.
(2016)., Phenomenology of drives: Between biological and personal life, in J. Bornemark & N. Smith (eds.), Phenomenology of pregnancy, Huddinge, Södertörns högskola, pp. 71-90.
(2016). The centered reality: Helmuth Plessner's anti-naturalistic approach. Dialogue and universalism 26 (3), pp. 95-108.
(2014). Il movente dell'esperienza: Costituzione, pulsione ed etica in Edmund Husserl, Mimesis, Milano.
with Altobrando, A. (2013). Introduction. Metodo 1 (1), pp. 1-3.
with Altobrando, A. (eds) (2013). On phenomenological method. Metodo 1 (1).
(2009). Triebsphäre und Urkindheit des Ich. Husserl Studies 25 (2), pp. 141-157.
(2005). Review of P. Ravalli, Husserls Phänomenologie der Intersubjektivität in den Göttinger Jahren. Husserl Studies 21 (1), pp. 65-70.
(1961). La fenomenologia in Italia. Richerche filosofiche 29, pp. 38-39.