Mario Alai
(2019). The underdetermination of theories and scientific realism. Axiomathes, 29 (6), 621-637.
(2017). Evandro Agazzi's scientific objectivity and its contexts. Axiomathes, 27 (6), 699-704.
(2017). Resisting the historical objections to realism: is Doppelt's a viable solution? Synthese, 194 (9), 3267-3290.
(2017). The debates on scientific realism today: knowledge and objectivity in science. In E. Agazzi (Ed.). Varieties of scientific realism (pp. 19-47). Dordrecht: Springer.
(2016). Lewis, change and temporary intrinsics. Axiomathes, 26 (4), 467-487.
(2015). The issue of scientific realism. In M. Alai, M. Buzzoni, & G. Tarozzi (Eds.). Science between truth and ethical responsibility (pp. 45-64). Dordrecht: Springer.
with Buzzoni, M. , Tarozzi, G. (eds) (2015). Science between truth and ethical responsibility: Evandro Agazzi in the contemporary scientific and philosophical debate. Dordrecht: Springer.