Uwe Scheffler
with Faye Jan, Needham Paul, Urchs Max (2005). Introduction. In J. Faye, P. Needham, U. Scheffler & M. Urchs (eds.) Nature's principles (pp. 1-53). Dordrecht: Springer.
with Faye Jan, Needham Paul, Urchs Max (eds) (2005). Nature's principles. Dordrecht: Springer.
with Faye Jan, Urchs Max (1997). Introduction. In J. Faye, U. Scheffler & M. Urchs (eds.) Perspectives on time (pp. 1-58). Dordrecht: Springer.
with Krampitz Karl-Heinz, Wessel Horst (1997). Time, truth and existence. In J. Faye, U. Scheffler & M. Urchs (eds.) Perspectives on time (pp. 345-365). Dordrecht: Springer.
with Faye Jan, Urchs Max (eds) (1997). Perspectives on time. Dordrecht: Springer.