Some remarks on current history of analytical philosophy of science
Vol. 1
Thomas Uebel
The characterisation of structure
F. A. Muller
Aspects of current history of philosophy of science in the French tradition
Cristina Chimisso
Reductionist and antireductionist stances in the health sciences
Raffaella Campaner
Formal methods in the philosophy of natural science
Thomas Müller
Comments on Marcel Weber's "Life in a physical world: the place of the life sciences"
Claude Debru
Is naturalism the unsurpassable philosophy for the sciences of man in the 21st century?
Daniel Andler
State of the art
Arto Siitonen
The bane of two truths
Vincent F. Hendricks
Reflections on Chimisso
Anastasios Brenner
Determinism and chance from a Humean perspective
Roman Frigg, Carl Hoefer
On various senses of "conventional" and their interrelation in the philosophy of physics
Mauro Dorato
The problem of constrained judgment aggregation
Franz Dietrich , Christian List
Humean perspectives on structural realism
Holger Lyre
Aggregation problems and models
Gabriella Pigozzi
Scientific realism, the new mechanical philosophers, and the friends of modelling
Matti Sintonen
History of philosophy of science as philosophy of science by other means?
Thomas Mormann
Life in a physical world
Marcel Weber
Trends and problems in philosophy of social and cultural sciences
Wenceslao J. González
Formal and empirical methods in philosophy of science
Vincenzo Crupi , Stephan Hartmann
How special are the life sciences?
Thomas A.C. Reydon
What remains of probability?
László E. Szabó
Well, and pragmatism?
Massimo Ferrari
Reichenbach and the conventionality of distant simultaneity in perspective
Dennis Dieks
Aspects of current history of 19th century philosophy of science
Michael Heidelberger
The epistemology-only approach to natural kinds
Miles Macleod
Reductionism in biology
Mehmet Elgin
Methodological higher-level interdisciplinarity by scheme-interpretationism
Vol. 2
Hans Lenk
The Gibbs paradox revisited
Russell on non-demonstrative inference
Graham Stevens
Normativity is the key to the difference between the human and the natural sciences
Wolfgang Spohn
The scope and limits of the no miracles argument1
Stathis Psillos
An objective Bayesian account of confirmation
Jon Williamson
The no miracles intuition and the no miracles argument
John Worrall
Causation, association and confirmation
Gregory Wheeler, Richard Scheines
Imagination and explanation in history
Peter Kemp
Invariance, mechanisms and epidemiology
Samuel Schindler
Probabilities in branching structures
Holistic social causation and explanation
Raimo Tuomela
Causality and evidence discovery in epidemiology
Michael Joffe
Causality and explanation
Carnap's theories of confirmation
Pierre Wagner
Inferences to causal relevance from experiments
Gerd Graßhoff
Comparing part-whole reductive explanations in biology and physics
Alan C. Love, Andreas Hüttemann
A locus for "now"
Tomasz Placek
Edgar Zilsel on historical laws
Elisabeth Nemeth
The arrival of the fittest
Peter McLaughlin
Prediction and prescription in the science of the artificial
Maria G. Bonome
An explication of the use of inference to the best explanation
Adam Grobler
Against pointillisme
Jeremy Butterfield
A formal logic for the abduction of singular hypotheses
Joke Meheus
The Alexandroff present and Minkowski spacetime
Weyl's principle, cosmic time and quantum fundamentalism
S. E. Rugh, H. Zinkernagel
Probability and pragmatism
Maria Carla Galavotti
What's wrong with the pragmatic-ontic account of mechanistic explanation?
Alexander Reutlinger
Not throwing out the baby with the bathwater
M. P. Seevinck, J. Uffink
Historical narratives, evidence, and explanations
Paolo Garbolino
Kant on chance and explanation
Berna Kilinc
The rise and fall of falsificationism in the light of Neurath's criticism
Artur Koterski
Shifting the (non-relativized) a priori
Michael Stöltzner
The arrival of the fittest what?
"Every system of scientific theory involves philosophical assumptions' (Talcott Parsons)
Eric Schliesser
Complexity in economics and prediction
Explanation and interpretation in the sciences of man
Jan Faye
Computing with mathematical arguments
Vol. 4
Jesse Alama, Reinhard Kahle
Philosophy as interdisciplinary research
Olav Gjelsvik
The life sciences and French philosophy of science
Probabilistic logics in quantum computation
Hector Freytes, Antonio Ledda, Giuseppe Sergioli, Roberto Giuntini
Archaeology and scientific explanation
Amparo Gómez
Quantum observer, information theory and kolmogorov complexity
Alexei Grinbaum
Mathematical philosophy?
Leon Horsten
Philosophy of biology in early logical empiricism
Veronika Hofer
The value of computer science for brain research
Ulrike Pompe
Philosophy of medicine and model design
Synthetic biology as an Engineering science? analogical reasoning, synthetic modeling, and integration
Tarja Knuuttila
On algorithm and robustness in a non-standard sense
Sam Sanders
Idealization in economics modeling
Demetris Portides
Dissensus in science as a fact and as a norm
The status of library science
Reasoning about quantum actions
Sonja Smets
Behavioral dynamics under climate change dilemmas
Francisco C. Santos
The philosophy of the "other austrian economics"
Philosophy of design research
Theo A. F. Kuipers
Simulation and system understanding
Gabriele Gramelsberger
A defence of the principle of information closure against the sceptical objection
Luciano Floridi
Causation and counterfactual dependence in robust biological systems
Anders Strand, Gry Oftedal
Chemistry and French philosophy of science. a comparison of historical and contemporary views
Probabilistic forecasting
Roman Frigg
Interdisciplinarity as both necessity and hurdle for progress in the life sciences
Olaf Wolkenhauer, Jan-Hendrik Hofmeyr
Branching space-times and parallel processing
Leszek Wroński
On the philosophy of applied social sciences
Ilkka Niiniluoto
The scientification of forensic practice
From molecules to networks
William Bechtel
Topology as an issue for history of philosophy of science
Epistemic complexity and the sciences of the artificial
Subrata Dasgupta
From the sciences that philosophy has "neglected" to the new challenges
Participant observation and objectivity in anthropology
Julie Zahle
The sciences of design as sciences of complexity
Three philosophical approaches to entomology
Jean-Marc Drouin
Neglected history
Is there a unique physical entropy? micro versus macro
Philosophy, linguistics, and the philosophy of linguistics
Objectivity and visual practices in science and art
Vol. 5
Chiara Ambrosio
Developmental explanation
Veli-Pekka Parkkinen
Where would we be without counterfactuals?
Huw Price
Challenges to characterizing the notion of causation across disciplinary boundaries
Jan Baedke
European pragmatism? further thoughts on the German and austrian reception of American pragmatism
Elementary particles and metaphysics
The future role of computation in science and society
Patrick Suppes
Confessions of a complexity skeptic
Raphael Scholl
The limits of realism in the philosophy of social science
David-Hillel Ruben
Explanatory pluralism in psychiatry
New directions in the philosophy of biology
Cristian Saborido
Things in possible experiments
Scientific representation, reflexivity, and the possibility of constructive realism
Local realism
Obdulia Torres González
Cultural information
Tim Lewens
Causal probabilities in grw quantum mechanics
Is social constructivism soluble in critical naturalism?
The undeniable effectiveness of mathematics in the special sciences
Mark Colyvan
Introducing qbism
Christopher A. Fuchs
The social re-construction of agency
Katarzyna Paprzycka
A critic looks at qbism
Guido Bacciagaluppi
Just complexity
Max Urchs
A note on strong causal closedness and completability of classical probability spaces
Michał Marczyk, Leszek Wroński
Pros and cons of physics in logics
Petr Švarný
Good just isn't good enough
Claus Beisbart
Artificial examples of empirical equivalence
Pablo Acuña
How fundamental physics represents causality
Andreas Bartels
Pluralists about pluralism? different versions of explanatory pluralism in psychiatry
Jeroen Bouwel
Social construction – by whom?
The measurement problem is your problem too
Ronnie Hermens
The proof is in the process
Liesbeth De Mol
Anchoring causal connections in physical concepts
Mario Hubert, Roland Poellinger
In no categorical terms
Kerry McKenzie
Unsharp Humean chances in statistical physics
Radin Dardashti, Luke Glynn, Karim Thébault, Mathias Frisch
Comment on "the undeniable effectiveness of mathematics in the special sciences"
Tim Räz
What counts as causation in physics and biology?
Pragmatism and European philosophy
Physics, metaphysics and mathematics
Assessing the status of the common cause principle
Miklós Rédei
Noncommutative causality in algebraic quantum field theory
Gábor Hofer-Szabó
Living instruments and theoretical terms
Pierre-Luc Germain
How essentialism properly understood might reconcile realism and social constructivism
Lost in translation
Dustin Lazarovici