Franz Brentano


influential German philosopher and psychologist whose work strongly influenced not only students Sigmund Freud (whose doctoral dissertation he helped supervise), Kazimierz Twardowski, Alexius Meinong, and Thomas Masaryk (as well as Masaryk's student, Edmund Husserl), but countless others whose work would follow and make use of his original ideas and concepts. (wikipedia)

(2022). Auguste Comte and positive philosophy 1869. In I. Tănăsescu, A. Bejinariu, S. Krantz Gabriel, & C. Stoenescu (Eds.). Brentano and the positive philosophy of Comte and Mill (pp. 437-456). Berlin: de Gruyter.

(2022). Habilitation Theses 1866. In I. Tănăsescu, A. Bejinariu, S. Krantz Gabriel, & C. Stoenescu (Eds.). Brentano and the positive philosophy of Comte and Mill (pp. 433-436). Berlin: de Gruyter.

(2022). Introduction to the concept of the history of philosophy. In I. Tănăsescu, A. Bejinariu, S. Krantz Gabriel, & C. Stoenescu (Eds.). Brentano and the positive philosophy of Comte and Mill (pp. 457-473). Berlin: de Gruyter.

(2022). My parting wishes for Austria 1894. In I. Tănăsescu, A. Bejinariu, S. Krantz Gabriel, & C. Stoenescu (Eds.). Brentano and the positive philosophy of Comte and Mill (pp. 571-590). Berlin: de Gruyter.

(2022). On Schelling’s philosophy: Lecture given to the Philosophical Society, December 17, 1889. In I. Tănăsescu, A. Bejinariu, S. Krantz Gabriel, & C. Stoenescu (Eds.). Brentano and the positive philosophy of Comte and Mill (pp. 501-522). Berlin: de Gruyter.

(2022). On the Future of Philosophy: With a Sympathetic Critique of Adolf Exner's Inaugural Lecture as President of the University of Vienna, "On Political Culture". In I. Tănăsescu, A. Bejinariu, S. Krantz Gabriel, & C. Stoenescu (Eds.). Brentano and the positive philosophy of Comte and Mill (pp. 523-570). Berlin: de Gruyter.

(2022). On the law of historical development. In I. Tănăsescu, A. Bejinariu, S. Krantz Gabriel, & C. Stoenescu (Eds.). Brentano and the positive philosophy of Comte and Mill (pp. 475-484). Berlin: de Gruyter.

(2022). On the reasons for a loss of confidence in the area of philosophy. In I. Tănăsescu, A. Bejinariu, S. Krantz Gabriel, & C. Stoenescu (Eds.). Brentano and the positive philosophy of Comte and Mill (pp. 489-500). Berlin: de Gruyter.

(2022). Philosophy of the history of philosophy. In I. Tănăsescu, A. Bejinariu, S. Krantz Gabriel, & C. Stoenescu (Eds.). Brentano and the positive philosophy of Comte and Mill (pp. 485-488). Berlin: de Gruyter.

(2020). Psicología desde el punto de vista empírico. Salamanca: Sigueme. (Original work published 1874)

(2017). Psychologie descriptive. A. Dewalque (Ed.) (A. Dewalque, Trans.). Paris: Gallimard. (Original work published 1982)

(2014). Auguste Comte et la philosophie positive. Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg, 35, 257-284.

(2009). Éléments de la conscience. Annales de phénoménologie, 8, n/a.

(2009). Psychognosie et psychologie génétique. Annales de phénoménologie, 8, n/a.

(1995). Psychology from an empirical standpoint (L. Mcalister, Trans.). London-New York: Routledge. (Original work published 1874)

(1995). Descriptive psychology. B. Müller (Ed.) (B. Müller, Trans.). London-New York: Routledge. (Original work published 1982)

(1994). Dettati sul tempo (1907 e 1915). Axiomathes, 5 (2-3), 305-324.

(1994). Diktate über die Zeit (1907 und 1915). Axiomathes, 5 (2-3), 325-344.

(1993). Della sostanza. Axiomathes, 4 (1), 9-23.

(1993). Von der Substanz. Axiomathes, 4 (1), 25-40.

(1982). Deskriptive Psychologie. R. Chisholm & W. Baumgartner (Eds.). Hamburg: Meiner.

(1981). Sensory and Noetic Consciousness: Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint Book III. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

(1975). Was an Reid zu loben: Über die philosophie von Thomas Reid. aus dem Nachlaß. Grazer Philosophische Studien, 1, 1-18.

(1973). Psychology from an empirical standpoint. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. (Original work published 1874)

(1966). The True and the Evident (R. Chisholm, I. Politzer & K. Fischer, Trans.). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. (Original work published 1930)

(1956). Die Lehre vom richtigen Urteil: Nach den Vorlesungen über Logik mit Benützung anderer Manuskripte aus dem Gebiete der Erkenntnistheorie aus dem Nachlaß. Bern: Francke.

(1954). Religion und Philosophie. A. Kastil (Ed.). Bern: Francke.

(1952). Grundlegung und Aufbau der Ethik: nach den vorlesungen über "Praktische Philosophie" aus dem Nachlass. F. Mayer-Hillebrand (Ed.). Bern: Francke.

(1933). Kategorienlehre. Leipzig: Meiner.

(1930). Wahrheit und Evidenz: Erkenntnistheoretische Abhandlungen und Briefe. Leipzig: Meiner.

with Kraus, O. (1929). Gegen entia rationis, sogennante irreale oder ideale Gegenstände: Briefe Franz Brentanos. Philosophische Hefte, 1 (4), 257-274.

(1926). Über Prophetie. Jahrbuch für Charakterologie, 2-3, 257-264.

(1911). Von der Klassifikation der psychischen Phänomene (2nd ed.). Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot.

(1910). Aristotles. In E. Von Aster (Ed.). Grosse Denker, Erster Band (pp. 153-207). Leipzig: Quelle & Meyer.

(1907). Untersuchungen zur Sinnespsychologie. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot.

(1902). The origin of the knowledge of right and wrong (C. Hague, Trans.). Westminster: Constable. (Original work published 1889)

(1889). Vom Ursprung sittlicher Erkenntnis. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot.

(1874). Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt: Erster Band. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot.

(1862). Von der mannigfachen Bedeutung des Seienden nach Aristoteles. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder.