Nancy Bauer

in English


with Hengehold, L. (eds) (2017). A companion to Simone de Beauvoir. Oxford: Blackwell.

(2011). Beauvoir on the allure of self-objectification. In C. Witt (Ed.). Feminist metaphysics (pp. 117-129). Dordrecht: Springer.

with Hutchings, K. , Pulkkinen, T. , Stone, A. (2010). Debating Hegel's legacy for contemporary feminist politics. In K. Hutchings, & T. Pulkkinen (Eds.). Hegel's philosophy and feminist thought (pp. 233-252). Dordrecht: Springer.

(2001). Being-with as being-against: Heidegger meets Hegel in the second sex. Continental Philosophy Review, 34 (2), 129-149.