Susan Haack
in English (1990-1999)
X(1997). Prècis of evidence and inquiry: towards reconstruction in epistemology. Synthese, 112 (1), 7-11.
(1997). Reply to Bonjour. Synthese, 112 (1), 25-35.
(1996). Précis of evidence and inquiry: towards reconstruction in epistemology. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 56 (3), 611-614.
(1996). Reply to commentators. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 56 (3), 641-656.
(1996). Science as social? - yes and no. In L. Hankinson Nelson, & J. Nelson (Eds.). Feminism, science, and the philosophy of science (pp. 79-93). Dordrecht: Springer.
(1994). "Dry truth and real knowledge": epistemologies of metaphor and metaphors of epistemology. In J. Hintikka (Ed.). Aspects of metaphor (pp. 1-22). Dordrecht: Springer.
(1993). Double-aspect foundherentism: a new theory of empirical justification. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 53, 113-128.
(1993). The two faces of Quine's naturalism. Synthese, 94 (3), 335-356.