
Stephan Hartmann

Edited Books


with Dieks, D. , Uebel, T. , Weber, M. , Galavotti, M. (eds) (2014). New directions in the philosophy of science, Springer, Dordrecht.

with Lisciandra, C. , Machery, E. (eds) (2013). Formal epistemology meets experimental philosophy. Synthese 190 (8).

with Dieks, D. , Uebel, T. , Weber, M. , González, W. J. (eds) (2011). Explanation, prediction, and confirmation, Springer, Dordrecht.

with Frigg, R. , Imbert, C. (eds) (2011). Models and simulations 2. Synthese 180 (1).

with Frigg, R. , Imbert, C. (eds) (2009). Models and simulations. Synthese 169 (3).

with Bovens, L. (eds) (2007). Bayesian epistemology. Synthese 156 (3).